Ultimate Goal (Good Sports League #1)

The Ultimate Goal (Good Sports League #1)

  • ISBN: 9781647007683
  • Publication Date: April 11, 2023


Price: $6.29

A funny, heavily illustrated new chapter book series about sports and sportsmanship by Tommy Greenwald, the acclaimed author of Game Changer, and award-winning artist Lesley Vamos

Ben Cutler loves everything about soccer! He’s got a great team, and they have the best pre-game chants and half-time jokes. He and his best friend, Jay-Jay, even invent dances for when they score a goal! And Ben is good at soccer. Like REALLY good. Too good for a casual rec team.

Soon, he’s recruited for a travel team. His new team plays amazingly well, but they take soccer super seriously. No pre-game chants, no juice-box breaks, and the most important rule of all: NO DANCING. Even though his new team is winning all the time, Ben is left to wonder: Is winning all that matters in the end?


Freddy states the moral up front—sports should be enjoyable—and this fast-paced, heartfelt story bears out the message. Good-hearted sporty fun. 