Since 1984 the Turner Prize has been instrumental in bringing about a sea change in the attitude and awareness of the public to contemporary art. No other prize has provoked so much controversy or critical debate. Pickled cows, unmade beds, and winking lightbulbs have grabbed the headlines and dominated the debate in recent years. This updated edition of The Turner Prize offers a concise survey of the most influential British artists of the past two decades, including Damien Hirst, Chris Ofili, Rachel Whiteread, and Jeremy Deller. Each winner and short-listed artist from each year of the Prize, including those nominated in 2005, is represented by a short illustrated essay, including a discussion of their career to date, and full-color reproductions of their work. This unique guide provides an invaluable reference for all those seeking a better understanding of contemporary art.

The Turner Prize
- ISBN: 9781854376183
- Publication Date: December 1, 2005
PaperbackPrice: $35.00