Taunton's Complete Illustrated Guide to Routers

Taunton's Complete Illustrated Guide to Routers

  • ISBN: 9781561587667
  • Publication Date: October 3, 2006


Price: $27.95

The router, for its simple design, is one of the most versatile tools you can own. You can shape decorative profiles, cut grooves, flush-trim, raise panels, and cut almost any joint.

In the Complete Illustrated Guide to Routers, you'll learn how to unleash this versatility by choosing the appropriate bit, and guiding the cut in the proper manner. You'll also learn that while a multitude of bits are available, a few essential bits will enable you to accomplish many of your routing tasks.

More than 800 photo and drawings show you how to use and care for your router and how to get the most from it. In addition to mastering the use of your router, you'll also learn about router tables, and how to make one that works perfectly in your shop.