The Treehouse of Horror started as an annual Halloween tradition on The Simpsons, beginning during the second season in 1990. In 1995, the first of 23 comics were produced by Bongo, and while some adapted the TV episodes, most told new stories written and illustrated by some of the biggest names in comics, including Kyle Baker, Dan Brereton, Gerry Duggan, Pia Guerra, Peter Kuper, Carol Lay, Nina Matsumoto, Terry Moore, Steve Niles, Brian Posehn, James Robinson, Scott Shaw!, and Jim Woodring. Collected for the first time in a deluxe hardcover slipcase with an all-new die-cut cover, these award-winning comics place the world’s most beloved animated family in exciting horror, science-fiction, and supernatural settings, making this series the perfect gift for the Halloween season and Simpsons fans of all ages. This second volume in the trilogy is the perfect addition to any Simpsons collection. The volume also includes an introduction by Lisa Simpson.
The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Ominous Omnibus Vol. 2: Deadtime Stories for Boos & Ghouls
- ISBN: 9781419763519
- Publication Date: August 1, 2023
HardcoverPrice: $39.99 $20.00
(50% Off) with code FESTIVE24
(50% Off) with code FESTIVE24
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