One Springy, Singy Day A Picture Book

One Springy, Singy Day

A Picture Book

  • ISBN: 9781419745720
  • Publication Date: March 2, 2021


Price: $16.99

This colorful picture book is a joyful ode to toddlerdom that follows a group of little ones through one buzzy, busy day.

One Springy, Singy Day is a vibrant, joyous story that follows a diverse cast of young children as they play throughout their day. Inspired by author/illustrator Renée Kurilla’s own “busy bee” two-year-old, this love note from parent to child illustrates the wondrous and boisterous adventure of raising a springy, singy, squeezy toddler.

“Lively illustrations give oodles of discussion topics, making this a book young children will love listening to over and over.” —Kirkus Reviews


"Lively illustrations give oodles of discussion topics, making this a book young children will love listening to over and over."
Kirkus Reviews