Having trouble finding the perfect name for your new baby? One that celebrates your favorite fandom, whether you want it to be immediately recognizable or something cool that won’t sound out of place on the playground? Naming Your Little Geek is here to save the day! This ultimate guidebook is complete with every name a geek could ever want to give their baby, their meanings, and a list of all the legends who have borne them. From Anakin and Frodo to Indiana and Clark, Gwen and Wanda to Buffy and Xena, you can choose which is best for you and your baby. But use it with caution―a kid will never live down a name like Legolas! (But who says that’s a bad thing?)
Naming Your Little Geek covers everything from comic book superheroes to role-playing game icons, Starfleet officers to sword and sorcery legends with characters who have appeared on film and TV, in novels and comic books, on the tabletop, and beyond. With nearly 1,100 names referencing more than 4,400 characters from over 1,800 unique sources, it's the perfect resource for parents naming a new child or people looking to redefine who they are!

Naming Your Little Geek
The Complete List of Comic Book, Video Games, Sci-Fi, & Fantasy Names
- ISBN: 9781641703444
- Publication Date: August 4, 2020
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