Life as a Mini Hero

Life as a Mini Hero

  • ISBN: 9781592702909
  • Publication Date: August 27, 2019


Price: $16.95

"Required reading for any prospective dark knights or superheroes." —Kirkus Reviews

Clad in bright suits that bespeak their daring deeds, these mini heroes, aka kids, live their daily lives assailed by all sorts of new challenges and uphill battles. Whether jumping rope on the playground, eating towers of ice-cream, or hanging upside-down from the ceiling, they are never short of plans and projects! But sometimes, they have to pause from their daring adventures, perhaps to take a bath or for the laundry to be done, which may be the greatest challenge of all!

Full of excitement and loaded with imagination, children see the world differently from everyone else. When seen as the mini heroes they are, kids inspire the rest of us to enjoy life. 

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