Knit How (Revised and Updated Edition) Learn to Knit with Simple Stitches, Patterns & Tips

Knit How (Revised and Updated Edition)

Learn to Knit with Simple Stitches, Patterns & Tips

  • ISBN: 9781419780011
  • Publication Date: January 6, 2026


Price: $26.99

A fresh, updated edition of the classic learn-to-knit book, from the creators of the premier knit and crochet brand Pom Pom

Knit How is the classic learn-to-knit book, stocked by more independent yarn stores than any other beginner book. Now, straight from the needles of Pom Pom, comes a fresh edition of this all-time favorite, with all-new photography, a bright new design, two new patterns, and a companion YouTube video channel. Like the OG, the new Knit How is friendly and easy to use. It now includes 18 knitting patterns, along with step-by-step techniques (illustrated with beginners in mind), plus tips to keep you on the path to success.

Packed with tutorials and advice, Knit How guides you from those first shaky stitches to knitting a host of cute projects. Pick and choose among simple scarves and cowls, hats and fingerless mitts to knit up fast, and easy socks and sweaters to stitch and show off.

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