Ice-Cold Heaven A Novel

Ice-Cold Heaven

A Novel

  • ISBN: 9781468308426
  • Publication Date: December 30, 2014


Price: $15.26

With him on his ship Endurance are twenty-eight crew members, sixty-nine sled dogs, a gramophone, a bicycle--and Merce Blackboro, a seventeen-year-old stowaway hidden amidst oilskins and sea boots. Their journey into the ice is by way of the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. But the Antarctic summer is short, and their passage remains resolutely closed to them. In the Weddell Sea the Endurance is trapped for months in pack ice and finds itself delivered up to an uncertain fate. Richly imagined and gripping right up the very last page, Ice-Cold Heaven traces Shackleton's legendary and heroic adventure through the ice and explores the relationships between these men who were lost to the world for 635 days.

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