Worlds Beyond Imagination. A utopian city levitates above a lush green Earth. A brilliant doctor specializing in the care and treatment of half-giants and pirate slugs discovers a terrible plague from another dimension. A headstrong teenage girl and her friendly monster enter a high-stakes race for survival. In a bleak and gray dystopian city, a singular butterfly heralds miraculous discoveries for a half-human cyborg. This is just a small sampling of the fantastical worlds imagined by visionary artist Matt Gaser. In this collection of paintings, sketches, and concept art, he will lead you on a journey to realms unlike anything you've ever seen in your wildest imaginings. Pack your bags, it's going to be an incredible ride.

The Art of Matt Gaser
- ISBN: 9781937359829
- Publication Date: January 27, 2015
HardcoverPrice: $34.95
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