Eddie and the Cruisers

Eddie and the Cruisers

  • ISBN: 9781468303568
  • Publication Date: October 15, 2008


Price: $14.36

Overlook is proud to put P. F. Kluge's classic Eddie and the Cruisers—"the book that spawned the movies"—in paperback for the first time, so it can find a new generation of readers. Eddie and his Jersey-bred band, The Parkway Cruisers, were going places. With an album and a few minor hits to their credit the future seemed bright until Eddie died in a fiery car crash. Twenty years later a British rock band turns their old songs into monumental fresh hits. With this comes a surge of interest in the surviving Cruisers and in a rumored cache of tapes that Eddie made before he died. That's when the killing starts.

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