Designing Boxes

Designing Boxes

  • ISBN: 9781641552189
  • Publication Date: March 1, 2024


Price: $34.99

Box-makingexpert DougStowe is back with a new spin on theclassicbox-making book. With aneye towardthoughtful design,thisbookwalksthe readerthrough the thoughtprocessinvolved in creating beautiful and functional boxes.

DesigningBoxesoffers many more design opportunitiesthanwould be possiblein abook that attempts to bea“projectsbook.”   The artisan who knows the basics of box making and is ready toexpand their repertoire will find this approach appealing.  This book speaks to the woodworkerwhowants todevelop plans of theirownto meettheir uniqueneeds, express theirownpersonalities, and gain confidence in theirdesign skills.

Designing Boxes is a bridge between how-to and why-to.  Doug guides the reader through an exploration of the materials usedin box making,therelationshipbetweenthe material and the craftsman, howthe tools and theirrelationship to the maker affect design, the growth of technique asit relates to theprocesses of design, andprinciples and elements of designstorytelling.  

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