Daydreams of a Solitary Hamster

Daydreams of a Solitary Hamster

  • ISBN: 9781592700936
  • Publication Date: July 1, 2010


Casebound Board Book
Price: $17.95

A humorous and thought-provoking book about a selfish yet warm-hearted hamster who thinks big thoughts.

This is a richly funny and thought-provoking book of comic strips about the friendships that animate a group of forest animals. The egotistical—but also endearing and really funny—Hamster is the main character, but his affectionate friends, who love Hamster despite all his flaws, are just as fascinating. Imagine a gourmand of a hamster who keeps a diary full of irresistible lies! Or a mole who drinks tea in bed while writing his novel, or a snail who asks after the "why" of the world and hopes that it doesn't rain. It's all here, and more!

With the title a direct reference to Jean Jacques Rousseau's Reveries of a Solitary Walker, The Wild Daydreams of a Solitary Hamster is a childlike—but not in the least bit childish—take on the wanderings of thought and the life of the mind. Philosophical, ironic, and laugh-out-loud funny, this book is sure to appeal to readers of all ages. The author, who has a background in philosophy, employs her knowledge with great style and humor, infusing the book with a joyful spirit, while meditating on friendship, selfishness, and the power of dreams.