Carolyne Letters A Story of Birth, Abortion and Adoption

The Carolyne Letters

A Story of Birth, Abortion and Adoption

  • ISBN: 9781938301711
  • Publication Date: September 24, 2013


Price: $9.99

Amelia: young, naive, in love. Geoff: charming, narcissistic, intelligent. In a decidedly European affair, a young couple consummates a courtship destined for differences. The resultant pregnancy provides a haunting yet charming backdrop for the challenges of love and its often unwanted decisions.

In the first person and in a creative journal style, author Abigail Calkin explores three choices that Amelia can make—give birth, give the baby up for adoption, or abortion. The resultant exploration and mature reflection provides a unique and rich literary backdrop for the choices each young woman faces when pregnant.

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