

  • ISBN: 9781910593509
  • Publication Date: June 19, 2018


Price: $24.99

In 1969, humankind set foot on the moon. Neil Armstrong, Edwin ”Buzz” Aldrin, and Michael Collins carried the fire for all the world. Backed by the brightest minds in engineering and science, the three boarded a rocket and flew through the void—just to know that we could. In Apollo, Matt Fitch, Chris Baker, and Mike Collins unpack the urban legends, the gossip, and the speculation to reveal a remarkable true story about life, death, dreams, and the reality of humanity's greatest exploratory achievement.


“Writers Fitch and Baker teamed up with illustrator Collins … to create a graphic novel of the suspense-filled story. They convey surprising depth and emotion, as well as rich historical details of the era.”
Scientific American

“The moon landing is one of the most well-documented events in human history, but it’s reimagined here in a way that makes it feel new again. Lovers of space-race lore will want to pick this up.”
Publishers Weekly

“…readers will enjoy the unexpected details and surprising twists. Recommended for general adult graphic novel collections.”

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