Abraham Cruzvillegas The Hyundai Commission

Abraham Cruzvillegas

The Hyundai Commission

  • ISBN: 9781849763424
  • Publication Date: March 22, 2016


Price: $27.95

Empty Lot is a new work by Mexican artist Abraham Cruzvillegas (b. 1968), the first of the Hyundai Commissions for Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall. This book documents the conception and creation of this dramatic sculpture, looking at its monumental and microscopic scale. As a kind of “artist’s book” within the publication, Cruzvillegas contributes 60 pages filled with artwork, poems, album covers, drawings, and photographs of people and places that inspire him. Created in close collaboration with the artist, this unique publication features a fully illustrated survey of Cruzvillegas’s life and work, including installations at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and The New Museum, New York, and an in-depth interview with Tate curator Mark Godfrey.