
Familius is a global trade publishing company that publishes books and other content to help families be happy. We believe that happy families are the foundation of a happy life. We recognize that every family looks different, and we passionately believe in helping all families find greater joy. To that end we publish books for children and adults that invite families to live the Familius Ten Habits of Happy Family Life: love together, play together, learn together, work together, talk together, heal together, read together, eat together, laugh together, and give together. Visit familius.com

Featured New Releases

Cover image for Am I Doing This Right? Making Choices without Mom Guilt

Am I Doing This Right?

Making Choices without Mom Guilt


A choose-your-own-adventure-style gift book to combat mom guilt from therapist Rebecca Fox Starr Motherhood is a constant barrage of choices....

Cover image for They Work Honey Bees, Nature's Pollinators

They Work

Honey Bees, Nature's Pollinators


The newest addition to June Smalls's nature series, They Work is a gorgeous nonfiction picture book about life for a hive of honey bees, complete...

Cover image for Kindness Rocks

Kindness Rocks


A picture book from the founder of The Kindness Rocks Project to celebrate the power of kind words and actions One message at just the right...

Cover image for In Our Solar System

In Our Solar System


A stunning picture book for space lovers with poetic text by author Jenny Sundstedt and fun facts about each planetIn our solar system,On the...

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